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Data Science Needs Go

To build data-intensive applications

Organizations need data science, and data science needs Go. #

Go provides a foundation for the entire software stack, from systems programming at the low end to application programming at the high end. Go is a trustworthy programming environment.

Software library incompatibilities are common in Python, Java, JavaScript, .Net/C#, and other programming environments. Applications built with these languages are hard to maintain over time. Not so with Go.

The Go programming language was designed with safety, simplicity, and compatibility in mind.

Compared with applications written in other programming languages, applications written in Go are easier to implement, easier to use across platforms (Windows, MacOS, and Linux), and easier to maintain over time.

Go compilation and execution times are fast, making Go an excellent choice for developing data science applications.

See Building Systems and Services to learn more about Go systems programming.

See Developing Applications for examples of applications written in Go.

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