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Gopher Guides with Mark Bates and Cory LaNou

Mark Bates and Cory LaNou offer fee-based individual training courses for beginners and advanced training on selected topics for enterprise clients.

For beginners, Bates and LaNou offer Go Fundamentals LiveLessons through Pearson informIT. This on-demand video training follows the sequence of topics in the Bates and LaNou (2023) textbook.

Instructor-led enterprise training titles include Introduction to Go, Advanced Go Training, Testing in Go, Profiling and Optimization, gRPC in Go, Mastering Go, as well as custom courses.

Introductory Textbook #

  • Bates, Mark, and Cory LaNou. 2023. Go Fundamentals: Gopher Guides. Boston: Addison-Wesley. [ISBN-13: 978-0-13-791830-0] An excellent textbook for those who like to learn to program by reading programs. Includes up-to-date material on modules, generics, testing, error handling, and the context interface. Used as supplementary textbook in two Northwestern courses: Data Engineering with Go and Capstone: Data Engineering for Decision Intelligence.

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