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MSDS 431 Overview

Course Content #

  • Week 1. Introduction to Go and Primitive Data Types
  • Week 2. Go Standard Libraries, Packages, and Program Structure
  • Week 3. Control Flow and Composite Data Types
  • Week 4. Methods, Interfaces, and Generics
  • Week 5. Network Programming
  • Week 6. Concurrent Programming
  • Week 7. Building Data Science Applications
  • Week 8. Web Servers and Desktop Apps
  • Week 9. Text and Language Processing
  • Week 10. Working with Databases

Assignments #

What is required of students? In addition to weekly participation in discussion forums, students learn about the Go language and programming environment, working on challenging Go programming assignments. Here is a summary of assignments from a recent term:

  • Week 2. Building a Personal Website
  • Week 3. Creating a Command-Line Application
  • Week 4. Go for Statistics
  • Week 5. An Exercise in AI-Assisted Programming
  • Week 6. Data Pipelines with Concurrency
  • Week 7. Crawling and Scraping the Web
  • Week 8. Modern Applied Statistics with Go
  • Week 9. Create a Go Package
  • Week 10. Building a Personal Movie Database with Go

An example programming assignment is shown on the next page.

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