AI Agent Design and Development
MSDS 442-DL AI Agent Design and Development.
This is an applied artificial intelligence (AI) course. It provides an in-depth exploration of designing, developing, and deploying AI agents, with a focus on creating stateful, autonomous, and multi-agent systems. Students learn key concepts behind reason-and-act methods, intelligent prompting, finite state machines, and agent architectures. They use open-source frameworks and libraries to build multi-actor applications with large language models. They develop dynamic, reliable agents capable of executing complex multi-step workflows, incorporating human-in-the-loop processes, and interacting with external tools and application programming interfaces. Students learn how to design and deploy sophisticated AI agents, ranging from simple reactive systems to advanced goal-driven systems. This is a case-study and project-based course with a programming component. Prerequisites: None.
Although these are not formal prerequisites, students benefit by taking the Python Learning Studio and MSDS 430 Python for Data Science prior to taking this course.
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