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Special Topics: SAS for Data Scientists

MSDS 491-DL Special Topics: SAS for Data Scientists

The SAS programming language and environment, available since 1960, continues to be used in many Fortune 500 companies. SAS provides extensive libraries for data preparation, analytics, and modeling. The course prepares students for programming and consulting roles that require the maintenance of legacy SAS code and conversion of that code to open-source solutions in Python. Students use the SAS data step for data preparation, missing data imputation, and working with external databases (SQL). They use SAS statistical procedures for linear regression, logistic regression, and multivariate analysis. Prerequisites: (1) MSDS 420-DL Database Systems or CIS 417 Database Systems Design and Implementation and (2) MSDS 422-DL Practical Machine Learning or CIS 435 Practical Data Science Using Machine Learning.

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